In September junior judokas trained for a total of 70 hours and the senior judokas trained for 99 hours. In total there was 169 hours of hard judo training, well done all those who attended in September!
Keeping in mind the seniors have Friday night as an extra night for training to make up the extra hours.
Well done to all the juniors making the effort to show up on both Monday and Wednesday! The extra hours will definitely pay off.
Regards, Dan
October events
Saturday October 13 - 1015am to 1145am - Training at the Launceston University Gym Dojo. A fun training suited to all ages and abilities. Come try your skills against some different bodies. BBQ to follow (free).
Saturday October 13 - 1pm to 3pm - Referee Seminar - Launceston University
Wednesday October 17 - Junior Grading! Please inform Daniel Bernal or Bruce Mok by the 10th Oct of your intention to grade. See also - notice in the dojo. Daniel:
Sunday 28 Oct - This is World Judo Day! And we have a training on to celebrate! Please see the post below for further details and come along to enjoy this monumental judo day. Last year the Hobart Uni Judo Club was the only club in all of Australia to have their participation in this event recorded internationally!
WJD Website: World Judo Day
Saturday October 13 - 1pm to 3pm - Referee Seminar - Launceston University
Wednesday October 17 - Junior Grading! Please inform Daniel Bernal or Bruce Mok by the 10th Oct of your intention to grade. See also - notice in the dojo. Daniel:
Sunday 28 Oct - This is World Judo Day! And we have a training on to celebrate! Please see the post below for further details and come along to enjoy this monumental judo day. Last year the Hobart Uni Judo Club was the only club in all of Australia to have their participation in this event recorded internationally!
WJD Website: World Judo Day
Judo Clinic
At the Clarence PCYC on the 28th of October.
Technical skills training, randori practice and competition practice.
From 10am to 1pm.
All are welcome. Bring your gear drinks and a healthy snack.
$5 mat fee.
Lewis Willing: 0409 868 604
William Summers: 0409 968 943
Chris Willing: 0428 074 241
Technical skills training, randori practice and competition practice.
From 10am to 1pm.
All are welcome. Bring your gear drinks and a healthy snack.
$5 mat fee.
Lewis Willing: 0409 868 604
William Summers: 0409 968 943
Chris Willing: 0428 074 241
Training Day - Launceston Dojo
Exploring Nage-waza and Ne-waza techniques.
A BBQ will be provided free of charge to participants
Saturday 13th October at the Launceston University Dojo
Flyer PDF
A BBQ will be provided free of charge to participants
Saturday 13th October at the Launceston University Dojo
Flyer PDF