Contact Us

Name: Hobart University of Tasmania Judo Club
Location: University of Tasmania Uni Gym, Grace Street, Sandy Bay, Tas
Monday & Wednesday Juniors 6pm to 7.00pm, seniors 7.00pm to 8.30pm (seniors can join in at 6)
Friday: Seniors 6pm to 8.00pm - advanced judo with sensei Les Vincent
Instructors: Sensei's Peter Creefand Les Vincent.

Email: James Tischler
Web Admin: Colin Curtain
Email: Colin Curtain

Come along and try it out

Wear an old long sleeve top or t-shirt and trackpants, bring a water bottle as well. The first three lessons are free and it's probably a good idea to come along once a week to start with.

General Fees

Club annual membership: $35

Monthly mat fee: $25 juniors and $30 seniors
Mat fees are payable in the first week of the current month and can be paid by electronic funds transfer to: BSB 067104  - Account 1028 2932
Please ensure you put your name in the reference.

Casual fee: $7.50 This fee is available to people who are do not wish to join the club and want to attend for less than a calendar month and club members who are planning to attend on one occasion or less per month over several months. Casual fees are payable on the night in cash.