
State Training

State training is being held at the Uni Gym Dojo this Sunday from 10am to 12.30.
Mat fees are $10.00


Update from departing President (Dan Bernal)

Hello UTAS JUDO members,

If you have not yet paid your Judo Tasmania (JT) membership and it is due to be paid, I suggest you do this soon. JT have just approved a small increase in fees (in line with national fee increases) and you may want to get in before the change is formalised.

For University students, if you haven’t paid a JT rego this year, please do so now and you may be eligible to claim it back. We have been awarded a grant to help all students become registered, in order to grade. Notify James or myself once you’ve done this.

In September we had our AGM. Please welcome our new committee members as below:

President: James Tischler
James will organise events for the club in the new year, such as societies day stalls, and will contribute to updating our online presence. You may also like to refer to James as a general club contact

Vice President: Mark Richardson
Mark is an assistant coach at the club and helps train our junior class on Wednesday nights.

Treasurer: Helena Klarenbeek
Contact Helena if you need information on how to pay your judo fees

Secretary: Denny Fleming
Denny will take notes and write agenda for the committee meetings. If you have any ideas for the club, Denny would be a good person to mention it to.

Membership management: Dan Lynch
Dan will send out info to all new members about our club. He is also a good contact for other general club enquiries.

Judo suits (t-shirts, etc.): Anne Smalley
Judo suit too small? Contact Anne.

A big thanks to Shaun Buissink and Rosemarie Baker for their time on the committee over the past two years. They have gone above and beyond their roles to support the club. I’ll still be regular at the club coaching, but thank you for the time as your President.

We will have one more junior grading night for the year and look out for our Christmas Celebration invites coming soon.

Thank you.